Technology and products

      Technology Highlight Strong Capacity for developing and implementing 5G RF Chips
      • 01
        Wafer Materials Designing

        Designing proprietary Wafer materials allows WiPAM to develop components with ideal thickness and doping levels

        WiPAM’s Wafer structures enable unique configuration, yielding non-replicable products with optimal performance
      • 02
        Semiconductor Fabrication Process Development

        Partnering with foundries to co-develop device fabrication processes (transferring its know-how in device designing and process development)

        Securing technological leadership through optimization of device properties
        Delivering ideal product performance through proprietary development of devices and fabrication processes
      • 03
        Designing High-Efficiency Power Amplifier Circuits

        Capacity for designing proprietary high-efficiency power amplifier circuits

        WiPAM’s distinguished circuit-designing capacity ensures the development of components with unrivaled performance
        Size optimization provides superior price competitiveness